Letter #5
Dear M,
Do you ever have one of those days when you simply cannot writer?
Those days often look something like this. They are a hot day right after a freshly washed out monsoon evening. For those who mensturate, it is that week right before you bleed. Other times you can barely hear yourself during the constant noise of construction next door. Sometimes it is your brother who has to come and talk to you right when you are in the middle of work. Or it's your parents who have told you several times to run errands and now they are just tired of telling you, so they push you. And sometimes, words simply don't come out. They are stuck somewhere like a was on unremoved hair and it's going to take you a while to pull them out.
Until then, I think I will read. My friend uploaded this book by Anne Michaels called 'Fugitive Pieces', I am sure you have heard about it - or even read it already. I will read that.
P.S: I look terribly like her.
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